
TOP 30 activities, which contribute to the development of manual skills and prepare the child’s hand for writing.


1、making shapes and patterns of small mosaic;

2、working with small details, constructing with screwing nuts and screws;

3、cutting details from paper and cardboard

4、netting cords of brightly colored ropes,

5、working with a kids weaver’s loom;

6、crochet and knitting (these activities are highly effective in getting ready for writing);

7、sewing and embroidery (note: for a 6-year-old child the most suitable needle is a 4 cm long needle with a longitudinal eyelet);

8、making things from soft wire;

9、sewing buttons;

10、making children beads;

11、art (modeling, applique, drawing);

12、finger games;


14、making collages (cut images with scissors from magazines and making different compositions);


16、coloring pictures;

17、drawing patterns;



20、draw the missing half of the image;

21、making patterns with sticks or matches;

22、tracing of drawings on points;

23、cutting and making paper garlands;

24、making paper beads;

25、making crafts from natural materials (cones, conkers, twigs, leaves, seeds, peas);

26、weaving of different patterns of paper strips;


28、drawing with stencils;

29、drawing with chalk or crayons on the blackboard;

30、decorative painting. 

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